Clean Your Apartment Without Breaking A Sweat Using These Tips

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Keeping your home clean not only helps you live in a healthy environment, it also saves you time and money in the long run. If you don't take care of your home properly, eventually all of the...

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Live Green: 5 Ways To Live More Eco-Friendly

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By 2050, it is believed the oceans will contain more plastics than fish. We’re already seeing the effects of global warming on our glaciers and coral reefs, while air pollution and...

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Leftover Rice Galore: 3 Hearty Breakfast Bowl Recipes

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Versatile, inexpensive, and healthy. It’s no surprise that rice is a favorite staple in different cuisines around the world. No tasty, filling meal is complete without rice. And if you want...

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How to Live a Healthier Lifestyle: Going Back to Basics

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Ever since we were young, we’ve been told to eat our veggies, sleep and wake up early, and never try smoking–ever. But despite our deeply ingrained knowledge of how to live more...

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5 Ways To Relieve Stress After A Long Day At Work

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As anyone who has ever worked a job can tell you, the end of the day is often something to look forward to. Depending on your work environment, you may have a lot of stress, so it's important to...

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