6 Things to Expect When Getting Your First Puppy

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Super playful and just plain adorbs, puppies are some of the most sought-after pets among apartment dwellers. You have to admit, can you even resist those sad puppy eyes? But like babies and...

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5 Healthy Foods That Help Induce Sleep

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The average adult needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Getting the right amount of shut-eye can improve your memory and help keep you in a good mood. But many times, the stresses of daily life...

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5 Useful Crafts With Essential Oils

Cover image of 5 Useful Crafts With Essential Oils

Were you recently gifted a box of essential oils? Or have you just found out the many benefits of aromatherapy? No matter how you joined the essential oil family, you’re definitely in for a...

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8-Step Guide to Creating an Eco-Friendly Apartment

Cover image of 8-Step Guide to Creating an Eco-Friendly Apartment

Ever seen photos of people holding their one year’s worth of trash in a small glass jar? Have friends going completely vegan after watching David Attenborough documentaries? With the...

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How to Make Unpacking in Your New Apartment Quick and Easy

Cover image of How to Make Unpacking in Your New Apartment Quick and Easy

If you’ve recently moved into Flats and Stacks, welcome to our community! We share useful resources now and then to help our residents live comfortably in their apartments. Now that...

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