5 Tips for Strengthening Your Body's Natural Defenses

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Getting sick is not at all a pleasant experience. You call in sick–despite your rare eagerness to work. You stay away from your loved ones to protect them from getting infected. You have to...

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9 Easiest Indoor Plants to Care for in Your Apartment

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If there’s one thing that apartments from magazines and Pinterest have in common, it’s the presence of greenery, a.k.a. houseplants. Indoor gardening isn’t just a great way to...

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How To Avoid Sitting All Day When You Work From Home

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A sedentary lifestyle has a host of negative effects on your body. It can shorten your life, increase your risk of heart disease, and make you more susceptible to injuries. In addition, it's been...

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Importance of Leave No Trace in Your Everyday Life

Cover image of Importance of Leave No Trace in Your Everyday Life

Ever gone camping out in the woods? You might have already seen the “Leave No Trace Seven Principles” posted up in campsites or heard them from land managers. This set of outdoor...

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Guide to Cleaning Your Couch and Removing Stubborn Stains

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Is there anyone who doesn’t spend a lot of time on their couch? It’s basically the heart of the living room, so it’s bound to get dirty all the time. From spills to pet fur, it...

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