Camden Plaza
3833 Cummins St, Houston, TX 77027
Apartments in Houston, TX
On a 12 month lease you will be qualified with our RENT TODAY BUY TOMORROW program where you will get 10% of the total amount that you paid once your lease expires towards the purchase of your new home. WE WILL HELP YOU ACHIEVE YOUR DREAM HOME WHILE YOU LEASE EARN 10% PERCENT OF YOUR RENT TOWARDS A NEW HOME!. | CALL 281-616-6686 (RLNE6882259)
Floor Plans
One-Bed One-Bath
1 Bedroom | 1 Bathroom | sqft
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Studio Bedroom | 1 Bathroom | 685 sqft
Inquire for Pricing | Inquire for Availability
One-Bed One-Bath
1 Bedroom | 1 Bathroom | 691 sqft
Inquire for Pricing | Inquire for Availability
One-Bed One Half-Bath
1 Bedroom | 1 Bathroom | 1146 sqft
Inquire for Pricing | Inquire for Availability
Two-Bed Two-Bath
2 Bedroom | 2 Bathroom | 1214 sqft
Inquire for Pricing | Inquire for Availability
Community Amenities
- Furnished
- Parking
- Pool
- Microwave
- Oven
- Range
- 12 Months
Apartment Amenities
- 12 Months
- Range
- Oven
- Furnished
- Parking
- Pool
- Microwave
- Other
- Small Dogs Allowed
- Cats Allowed
- 6 Months
- 9 Months
- 10 Months
- Dishwasher
- Air Conditioning
- Refrigerator
- Garbage Disposal
- Washer & Dryer
- Washer & Dryer Hookup
- 8 Months
- Exercise Facility
- High-Speed Internet Available
- Elevator in Building
- No-Step or Ramped Entry
- Accessible Parking
- 32" or Wider Doorways
- 36" or Wider Hallways
- Lever Style Door Handles
- Environmental Controls 15"-48" Above Floor
- Grab Bars in Bathroom
- Low Threshold or Roll-In shower
- 5' Turning Radius or T-Turn in Bathroom
- Accessible Bathroom Vanities
- Front Loading or Front Control Kitchen Appliances
- Accessible Kitchen Counters
- Clear Floor Area in Front of Sink and Range
- Garage
- Yard
- Patio
- Balcony
- Deck
- Washer & Dryer On-Site
- Large Dogs Allowed